
10 Most Anticipated PC Games of 2018 - #10 Surviving Mars

10 Most Anticipated PC Games of 2018

Choicest VGM - VGM #308 - SimIsle: Missions in the Rainforest - Track 5

What I've Been Playing This Week (aka Pile of Shame Sunday)

Thaumistry: In Charm's Way Review

Choicest VGM - VGM #307 - SimIsle: Missions in the Rainforest - Track 4

What I've Been Playing This Week (aka Pile of Shame Sunday)

Choicest VGM - VGM #306 - Marathon 2: Durandal - Main Theme

What I've Been Playing This Week (aka Pile of Shame Sunday)

Game of Thrones - A Telltale Games Series Review

Choicest VGM - VGM #305 - Mechwarrior 2: 31st Century Combat - Track 9 (Arkham Bridge/Race Against Time)

What I've Been Playing This Week (aka Pile of Shame Sunday)