Choicest VGM - VGM #462 - Universe at War: Earth Assault - Anticipating

Universe at War OST artwork

Soundtrack composed by Frank Klepacki

This track that features on the Hierarchy soundtrack is one that reminds me of the 1978 musical "Jeff Wayne's Musical Version of The War of the Worlds", in particular the track called "The Red Weed". Based off H. G. Wells's book of the same name, the Jeff Wayne version of "The War of the Worlds" is a prog rock affair and I can see some elements from it seep into this track. "Anticipating" has definitely got more metal in it though, but you'd expect that from Frank Klepacki.

"Jeff Wayne's War of the Worlds" has sold millions of copies and is one of the best-selling albums of all time in the UK (and probably here in Australia). In fact, apparently 700,000 copies of the album had been sold by 2013... that's like 3% of the Australian population back then, which doesn't sound like much but imagine 3 in 100 Australians owning this.

It might not be a coincidence either if this track indeed took inspiration from "Jeff Wayne's The War of the Worlds" since the Hierarchy, just like the Martians in "The War of the Worlds", employ tall walking tripods to take out their enemies.

The soundtrack was originally offered for free off the Petroglyph forums but you can download a copy from the Free VGM section at Choicest Games.
