Top 10 PC Game Music Covers and Remixes of 2019 - #2 The Wind Can Be Still (Winter) [Remix] (Stardew Valley)

Screencap of music video for Qumu's remix of Stardew Valley's Winter (The Wind Can Be Still)

Game: Stardew Valley
Source: Winter (The Wind Can Be Still)
Original Artist(s): Eric Barone aka ConcernedApe
Remix/Cover Title: The Wind Can Be Still (Winter) [Remix]
Artist(s): Qumu

I've still yet to finish Stardew Valley but I can definitely appreciate why so many people dig this game. Another thing that is great about the game is its soundtrack and like another indie hit whose soundtrack features on this list (i.e. Undertale) Stardew Valley was amazingly developed by one person called Eric Barone (aka ConcernedApe).

This remix is based off the music that plays during winter and is composed by an artist that simply goes by the name "Qumu". The original was already pretty good in capturing that nostalgic mix of classical and synthwave but Qumu takes it to the next level, introducing some crisper, realistic piano samples and a meatier synthwave section. It's short and sweet, and well worth a listen, especially if you've played Stardew Valley before.

If you want to check out more of Qumu's video game remixes, go here.


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