Bob Bates publishes a new fantasy novel called The Ritual

Image of paperback version of The Ritual by Bob Bates
Bob's new book: The Ritual

Bob Bates, veteran of the interactive fiction industry and developer behind the brilliant Thaumistry: In Charm's Way (that was rated 9/10 here on Choicest Games) has some exciting news: he's published a new fantasy novel called "The Ritual". If the quality of writing in "The Ritual" is similar to his efforts in interactive fiction then we're in for a treat despite him confessing that the story, unlike Thaumistry, "is not a comedy".

The story is about skilled healers that use a magical red gold to cure diseases, although some use it for less scrupulous purposes.

The book is currently available on Amazon for $4.25 USD on Kindle or $13.99 USD for the paperback version.

[ Amazon: The Ritual ]
