Steam Games Sunday - 28 August 2016

Regency Solitaire makes its debut to Steam Games Sunday

  1. War Thunder
  2. Rainbow Six Siege
  3. Everyday Genius: SquareLogic
  4. Star Trek Online
  5. Sniper Elite III
  6. Squad
  7. Marvel Heroes
  8. Sid Meier's Civilization V
  9. NBA 2K16
  10. Regency Solitaire

The highlight for this week's Steam Games Sunday is Regency Solitaire making its debut to the list, coming in at #10. A game that is a unique pairing of the card game Solitaire and something like a Jane Austen novel, it's been a pretty addictive past-time for one of the Choicest Games team. If you're interested in checking the game out, you can get it for super cheap (and at the same time donate something to charity) in the Humble Indie Bundle 17.

All the other games on the list are quite familiar with War Thunder, Rainbow Six Siege, Everyday Genius: SquareLogic, Star Trek Online and Sniper Elite III still in the same spots as last week in first, second, third, fourth and fifth place respectively. Squad has pushed up to sixth place from eighth place and Marvel Heroes remains in seventh place. NBA 2K16 has dropped down to ninth place from sixth place and we now have Sid Meier's Civilization V return to the list at 8th place (although it's pretty easy for Civ to do so, thanks to games generally being long and the fact that every Choicest Games member has a copy in their Steam library).

Anyway stay tuned for next Sunday to see if this list changes :). Are you playing any of the games on this list? How are you finding them?
