Steam Games Sunday - 31 July 2016

Vaas. One of the antagonists in Far Cry 3.

  1. War Thunder
  2. Rainbow Six Siege
  3. Star Trek Online
  4. Everyday Genius: SquareLogic
  5. Far Cry 3
  6. Squad
  7. Marvel Heroes
  8. Mount & Blade: Warband
  9. NBA 2K16
  10. The Division

So for this Steam Games Sunday it seems that there has been little change in most of the list. We still have War Thunder taking number one spot, Rainbow Six Siege in the number two slot, Star Trek Online is number three and Everyday Genius: SquareLogic in fourth place. What is different this week is Far Cry 3 shooting up to 5th place (mainly because I've been trying my best to finish the game so I can finally review it :)). This has resulted in Squad, Marvel Heroes and Mount & Blade Warband being pushed further down, but still in the same order. League of Mermaids, Sid Meier's Civilization and Call of Duty: Black Ops have been pushed off the list and now NBA 2K16 takes 9th place and Tom Clancy's The Division is in 10th place.

Again, if we took into account non-Steam versions of games, Rainbow Six Siege would probably be ranked highest and The Division would also be ranked higher too. Seems like the Tom Clancy games are very popular at the moment amongst the Choicest Games crew.

Anyway stay tuned for next Sunday to see if this list changes :). Are you playing any of the games on this list? How are you finding them?
