Shadowgate remake to be released tomorrow

You tell them Han Solo.

Back in November 2012, Virginian game developer Zojoi ran a successful Kickstarter campaign in raising $137,232 to develop a remake of its classic adventure game, Shadowgate. The original game was released well over two decades ago and while I never played it, I did enjoy other games by ICOM Simulations (the precursor to Zojoi) such as the FMV detective game, Sherlock Holmes: Consulting Detective.

It's been a long journey but Zojoi has just announced that the new Shadowgate will be released tomorrow! As I type this article, Steam reports 10 hours until the game is unlocked but there is currently no price set for the game. I'm predicting it will be at least $15 considering that was the minimum Kickstarter backers paid for a copy of the game. Zojoi have also informed their backers that they will have a choice of receiving a DRM-free copy of the game or a Steam key; these can be redeemed by accessing Humble Bundle.

Anybody else excited about Shadowgate's release? Did you play the original?

[ SOURCE: Shadowgate Kickstarter: Update #51 ]
