Steam Games Sunday - 23 October 2016

Screenshot of a Natural Wonder being discovered in Civ VI
Civilization VI debuts on the list at #5

  1. War Thunder
  2. Rainbow Six Siege
  3. Company of Heroes 2
  4. League of Mermaids
  5. Sid Meier's Civilization VI
  6. Everyday Genius: SquareLogic
  7. Marvel Heroes
  8. Mount & Blade Warband
  9. Shadowrun Returns
  10. World of Zoo

There's finally been a change in the top 3 and in a big way! While War Thunder still remains in first place and Rainbow Six Siege in second, Everyday Genius: Squarelogic has dropped down considerably to 6th place. Taking its place, seemingly out of nowhere, is Company of Heroes 2 which is now in 3rd place. League of Mermaids remains quite popular and stays in 4th place while the newly released AAA title, Sid Meier's Civilization VI, debuts on the list at #5. Marvel Heroes dropped down from 5th place to 7th while Mount & Blade Warband has moved up one rank from 9th place last week to 8th this week. Another new game to the list is Shadowrun Returns, a turn-based tactical RPG set in an interesting role-playing universe where cyberpunk sci-fi meets fantasy; it debuts on the list in 9th place. Finally, World of Zoo still manages to stay on the list but has dropped from 6th place to 10th place.

Anyway stay tuned for next Sunday to see if this list changes :). Are you playing any of the games on this list? How are you finding them?
